June 19, 2018
Sports Basement Novato Opens in Vintage Oaks
City of Novato is pleased to welcome Sports Basement to our community.
The new 50,000 square foot store is located in the Vintage Oaks Shopping Center and will feature everything sports related, from kayaks and hiking books to water bottles and tents. It also includes a Community Space that Sports Basement Novato encourages schools, nonprofits and community members to use for meetings, award ceremonies and other group gatherings.
Since the success of their Santa Rosa store, opened in 2017, Sports Basement has been hoping to secure a second North Bay location. “We’ve had a strong customer base here for years,” says General Manager and Novato resident Armen Filian, “Many of our loyal customers travel over the bridge to our Presidio store and we’re really excited that we can save them a trip and become a part of the Marin community.”
Sports Basement Novato will celebrate with an official Grand Opening the weekend of July 14th and 15th and invites Novato’s business community and local residents to join them for food, music and killer deals.